Jobs and Announcements

Call for Applications: Preparing Outstanding Social Science Investigators to Benefit Lives and Environments in Africa Programme
Deadline for submissions: 11 December 2022

The POSSIBLE- Africa Fellowship Programme is a 24-month early postdoctoral (graduated within the last 5-10 years) fellowship opportunity for outstanding African scholars in the Social Sciences & Humanities, who propose research that aims to create evidence to inform sustainable development within the African continent. The fellowship aims to build a critical mass of independent African research leaders in the SS&H to lead science programmes at local and international levels. These leaders will have the capacity to engage successfully with funders, policy makers, communities, and other stakeholders, and to serve as mentors and supervisors for the next generation of researchers in Africa.

Call for Papers: From COVID-19 to stronger people-centred and equitable health systems
Health policy and systems research from low- and middle-income countries, no deadline

Health Policy and Planning has launched a call for papers to take stock of what happened during the COVID years in terms of health system governance, transformation and innovation. Submissions are invited by researchers, policymakers, providers, health system managers and programme managers. Papers can focus on regional, national, sub-national and ‘district’-level impact and responses. Of particularly interest are papers that critically review the response to the pandemic at country-level in low- and middle-income countries.

Call for proposals: Health policy analysis for health taxes: Lessons from countries
AHPSR: Deadline for applications: 23 December 2022

This research programme aims to generate knowledge and advocate for greater attention for health policy analysis on health taxes. It aims to develop cross-national learning based on this knowledge to inform civil society advocacy and government and funder policy-making. Country teams are expected to use a mixed-method approach, combining semi-structured interviews, literature reviews and situational analysis to analyze how a health tax is being advanced and implemented. These studies will consider how political economy factors influenced the design, adoption and implementation of health taxes, and how analysis can be used to further health taxes in country contexts. There is a requirement for research teams to engage and work closely with policy-makers (including WHO and other international partners working in the country), and civil society groups (this will be coordinated with WHO and external partners). A common conceptual framework will be developed to ensure that findings are comparable across countries.

East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community 13th Best Practices Forum (BPF) and 28th Directors Joint Consultative Conference (DJCC) Meeting
5-7 February 2023, Maseru, Kingdom of Lesotho

The 13th BPF and 29th DJCC will now be held in Maseru, Kingdom of Lesotho, from 5-7 Feb 2023, immediately be followed by the 71st Health Ministers' Conference starting from 8-9 Feb 2023. ECSA-HC in collaboration with Member States and Partners hosts a regional platform to identify and build consensus on regional health priorities known as the “Best Practices Forum (BPF)”. Promising practices and key policy issues and approaches emanating from the BPF are then motioned on to be recommendations to the Health Ministers during their annual conference.

Health taxes: a call for papers
BMJ Global Health: Deadline for submissions: 17 February 2023

The editors invite papers that focus on political economy and policy analysis as well as consider how framing can be used to advance health taxes; and in health taxes on products including, but not limited to, tobacco, alcohol, sugar, fossil fuels, meat and salt. The special issue welcomes a variety of different types of articles, including those focused on exploring new theoretical and methodological terrain, in addition to papers that present empirical research findings considering how countries can accelerate, develop, deepen, expand and sustain health taxes, with a special interest on low-income and middle-income countries. This is a call for submissions across article types, including original research, analysis and practice articles.

Open call for short films: 4th edition Health for All Film Festival
Deadline for submissions: 31 January 2023

The Health for All Film Festival aims to recruit a new generation of film and video innovators to champion global health issues, launching its 4th edition, the festival is opening an invitation to independent film-makers, production companies, NGOs, communities, students, and film schools from around the world to submit their original short films about health.

City’s Scenes Sounds Actions: Call for Submissions
Open Deadline

The City journal editors are looking for short, innovative and accessible submissions from a diversity of authors, campaigns, practitioners, artists, photographers and activists. These pieces will not follow the standard academic article format and process (i.e. no double blind peer review) as they are aimed at encouraging greater creative freedom, including a wider diversity of voices and reaching beyond academic audiences. These submissions will be shorter than the usual journal length, can include or be led by images and be of varied format, such as opinion pieces, campaign reports etc. Submissions received from campaigns, community organisations, artists, activists and precarious workers will receive a payment of £200. In some cases support is available for pieces being published in, or translated from, a non-English language. Images will be reproduced in colour online and black and white in the printed journal.

EQUINET is looking for a creative writer
Call for talent, for response by 15 September

EQUINET is looking for a creative writer to help us prepare the EQUINET Conference 2022 report linking to visuals and online presentations. If you have skills in preparing reports, and particularly multimedia reports that use visuals and links to make them accessible to a wide variety of readers and are available in October- December 2022 to work with us on preparing the conference report please send your indication of interest, CV and daily rate to the EQUINET secretariat.

PHASA (Public Health Association of South Africa) 17th annual public health conference
, 11 – 14 September, Durban, South Africa

The Public Health Association of South (PHASA) is holding their annual conference in Durban (eThekwini), on the east coast of South Africa. PHASA hosts an annual conferences, with the aim of engaging public health practitioners and interested people from around the country and world to share their experiences and research, discuss topical public health issues, and mentor public health students and young researchers. Hosting the national PHASA conference in Durban aims to add stimulus to the local economy, and contribute to enhanced awareness and widespread advocacy, for health, the social determinants of health, and healthcare in the region.

The Good Food Festival, Zimbabwe
24 September, Harare Botanical Gardens, Harare, Zimbabwe

The Good Food Festival, organised by the Zimbabwe Traditional and Organic Food Forum, is celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2022, hosted on Saturday 24 September at the Harare Botanical Gardens. There will be music all day, a wide range of local produce, products and seeds for sale, a delicious selection of dishes at the food court, chefs’ battles and cooking demos. The event includes a special kids’ zone for children.
