The Emerging African Scholars Program in Africa is hosting a full day virtual PhD Workshop to provide guidance for emerging scholars on career paths, help sharpen research skills and address the challenges that African PhD students face. The program is open to doctoral students from Africa whose research focus is on non-profit management, philanthropy, civil society, social entrepreneurship and voluntary action studies in Africa. Students who have defended a dissertation proposal, not yet defended a dissertation proposal and whose dissertation plans are not yet fully formed are all encouraged to apply. This workshop is free of charge and will be conducted online.
Jobs and Announcements
The Global Infectious Disease research training program addresses research training needs related to infectious diseases that are predominantly endemic in or impact upon people living in developing countries. The training focuses on a major endemic or life-threatening emerging infectious disease, neglected tropical disease, infections that frequently occur as a co-infection in HIV infected individuals, or infections associated with non-communicable disease conditions of public health importance in low- and middle-income countries.
The Fogarty Global Environmental and Occupational Health program calls for applicants from institutions in low- or middle-income countries to function as regional hubs for collaborative research, data management, research training, curriculum and outreach material development, and policy support around high-priority local, national and regional environmental and occupational health threats. GEOHealth hubs are supported by two coordinated linked awards to a LMIC institution for research and a U.S. institution to coordinate research training. Together the GEOHealth hubs form the GEOHealth network, a platform for coordinated environmental and occupational health research and research training activities.
This short course aims to provide academic staff, students, researchers, reviewers and editors with the understanding of the global health within the African context and beyond. The course is delivered online over 10 weeks.
University of Leeds Crucible programme is inviting early career academics from different disciplines in institutions to apply for a transdisciplinary programme on Health Systems for Health Security. The programme is designed to introduce new ways of thinking and working and create long-term collaborations. it will have facilitated sessions, speakers from WHO, NGOs, private and public sector and time to collaborate. Participants will be invited to form project ideas together and for selected projects, Leeds University offers small funding awards to explore preliminary data. This will be a virtual event via zoom in 2021: 29-30 March; 24-25 June and 8-9 September and participants should commit to all dates and complete and send the expression of interest form by the closing date (contact K Banger for further information).
It is tempting to see the recent global concern about health and environments as new. The reality is, it has a long history. The public health profession grew in the housing conditions of the 19th century urban poor, demands for walkable neighbourhoods are long standing and the broader healthy cities agenda globally all pre-date COVID-19. This conference seeks to bring recent experiences and responses into dialogue with longer-standing areas of research into health, wellbeing and environments. The event will have multiple thematic strands built around submissions. The conference welcomes case studies, design proposals, research projects, investigative papers and theoretical considerations as written papers, Zoom and pre-recorded presentations.
The course includes undergraduate-level modules, quizzes, activities, discussion forums, and supplementary resources on the following topics: Planetary health and climate change, Heat waves and heat stress, Air pollution and health, Infectious diseases sensitive to climate change, Pathways for planetary health: from social participation to management, Mental and relational health, Food and planetary health, Water and planetary health. The course is free.
Seven hundred participants gathered in the virtual 2021 Alternative Mining Indaba (AMI) on 8-12 February from trade unions, faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, civil society organizations, mining companies, academics and other stakeholders. The AMI, which supports a “just and people centred” approach to mining, started as a civil society and community grassroots organizations platform to engage with the business-oriented African Mining Indaba, held annually in Cape Town, South Africa. This year, both events were hosted virtually. The sessions under the AMI theme 'Building forward together pivoting the extractives sector for adaptation and resilience against Covid-19' can be viewed online.
Metrics for Management is excited to announce the launch of the Davidson Gwatkin Equity Measurement Prize. This annual juried competition will award up to four cash prizes each valued between $5,000 and $10,000 to an individual or team of authors for research that uses the EquityTool and its data to assess and improve services that reach the poor or to gain insight into wealth equity in low- and middle-income countries.
IAS – the International AIDS Society – will host the IAS COVID-19 Conference: Prevention, with a special focus on prevention, on Tuesday, 2 February 2021. In recognition of the urgent need to analyse research, review policy and exchange frontline experiences related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2nd IAS COVID-19 Conference with a special focus on prevention will feature the latest in prevention related science, policy and practice. The conference will take place virtually and will include invited-speaker sessions and abstract presentations. The conference programme is designed to include the latest science on COVID-19 and its impact on health and beyond – with perspectives on policy, access and financing.