The World Health Organization’s Less Alcohol Unit, Department of Health Promotion, the Alcohol Research Group (ARG) and the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research have launched a new scientific research and writing mentorship initiative. The initiative aims to support early-stage researchers from low- and middle-income countries in their work to analyse, report and publish a study related to strengthening alcohol policies tackling the determinants driving the acceptability, availability and affordability of alcohol consumption. Overall, the initiative seeks to accelerate the finalization of scientific research with the support of expert mentors. Mentees (early-stage researchers) will be paired with mentors (senior academics) to participate in this 9-month initiative commencing no later than 1st January 2022. Through regular, at-distance access to mentors, the initiative aims to ensure researchers have the necessary guidance to finalize a study with contextually relevant results. Mentees are encouraged, and will be supported by their mentors, to submit their study findings for scientific publication. As an output of the initiative, a summary slide deck should be prepared for the further dissemination of results. A maximum of ten (10) mentees will be selected for the initial cohort.
Jobs and Announcements
Apply to the WHO's Young Professionals Programme aimed to provide career support, networking, mentoring, and tailored learning opportunities. The Programme intends to increase the representation of nationals from Least Developed Countries in WHO’s workforce and will develop capacity from and for developing countries through a structured program with clear learning objectives.
These grants support research projects that Identify gaps, implementation challenges, and national priorities, and propose solutions with the potential to influence policy and practices for NCD prevention and control and promotion of mental health and well-being in LMICs; and that engage diverse stakeholders across sectors and actors throughout the research process;. The would should explore the best strategies to create strong partnerships between governments, NGOs, the private sector, researchers, communities, and individuals (particularly vulnerable populations) to address NCD prevention and control and promotion of mental health and well-being and identify lessons about implementation and propose feasible actionable solutions within the context. The results of this work may inform further research into this area in the future, including testing such practices and mechanisms in various settings. The submitted proposals can address a wide variety of issues aimed at scaling up NCD prevention and control and promotion of mental health and well-being, establishing multisectoral and multistakeholder coordination mechanisms, and understanding innovative integrated delivery models to shift from disease-focused treatment approaches to sustainable person-centered health systems.
The University of Global Health Equity (UGHE) and Kigali Public Library (KPL) are jointly organising a short stories contest as part of the third edition of Hamwe Festival. The organisers are seeking short stories written in English or in French, about life in the era of COVID-19. Writers from 18 to 30 years old from all countries are invited to participate. With this contest, the organisers wish to highlight stories that showcase how health equity and other areas of social justice have been exacerbated during this global crisis and how the current pandemic has affected the lives of individuals and communities.
The Urban Studies Foundation (USF) announces a new round of Postdoctoral Research Fellowship funding with up to five fellowships each worth up to a total of £180,000 over a maximum of three years. Successful candidates may be based anywhere globally, and should propose a programme of work which will advance scholarly knowledge of any element of cities and urbanisation to the highest international standards of peer review. The award will be paid to an eligible institute of higher education (HEI) where the fellowship is to be held. A successful applicant should have a Mentor based in that institution with whom they will work closely for the duration of the fellowship.
Dominant perceptions of healthcare in Africa portray it either in terms of failure, disrepair, chaos and disappointment. Little attention is paid, within scholarly research, to the joy that accompanies pursuing or achieving health and wellbeing. This inaugural symposium explores, from past, present and future perspectives, how healthcare practitioners, health systems and people seeking healthcare in Africa approach issues of joy, trust, confidence, or comfort at individual, familial, community or national levels. The organisers invite artists, activists, health practitioners and academics to re-imagine health and healthcare in Africa through workshops, academic papers, discussion forums and two keynote addresses. (Note abstract submission has closed).
The late Thandika Mkandawire contributed immensely to an intellectual project for a rejuvenation of Africa's developmental. This conference, invites contributions and papers that critically reflect on the exchange between the different literatures and imaginations on development, democracy and social policy, including critical reflections on the social policy responses to COVID-19 in the context of the stratified, segmented, and segregated social policy architecture that has been the staple of international agencies in the last three to four decades. Contributions need not be limited to the African context or experience, but should speak to experiences from the Global South.
The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine invites applications from candidates from Sub-Saharan Africa for fully-funded 4-year PhD studentships to start a research degree programme on 3 January 2022. There are three studentships available, linked to ongoing research projects that address the links between hygiene and health in Sub-Saharan Africa. Further information and applicant entry requirements are provided on the website link shown.
The University of the Witwatersrand’s School of Public Health invites suitably qualified candidates to apply for a full-time funded Master Degree Programme in the field of Implementation Science. The focus is on implementation research on infectious diseases of poverty, including the neglected tropical diseases, malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/TB co-infection and COVID-19. Implementation science is a growing field that supports the identification of health system bottlenecks and approaches to address them, and is particularly useful in low- and middle-income countries where many health interventions do not reach those who need them the most.
The African Programme on Rethinking Development Economics (Aporde) and the South African Research Chair in Industrial Development (SARChI Industrial Development) are delighted to announce the inaugural Thandika Mkandawire Prize for Outstanding Scholarship in African Political Economy and Economic Development. This prize is to be awarded annually to recognise outstanding research papers by African scholars. A second award, the Thandika Mkandawire Prize for Young Scholars in African Political Economy and Economic Development, is specifically for young researchers.