The Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and The Centre for African Studies in Basel (CASB) call for applications for their 5th Summer School in African Studies and Area Studies in Africa. The Summer School addresses the question “How Political is Knowledge?”. The political economy of knowledge production in Africa is argued to require critical reflection, raising general questions about the relationship between knowledge, power and politics. The overall objective of the Summer School is to stimulate and consolidate interdisciplinary approaches to research on Africa, but also on other regions of the world undertaken from within the African continent. The 5th CODESRIA/ZASB Summer School invites applications from doctoral students interested in exploring these issues as part of a larger framework of engaging with methodological challenges in African Studies. Travel, accommodation and meals during the Summer School will be provided for participants from African Institutions. Application information is available on the website.
Jobs and Announcements
The People’s Global Summit is brings together individuals and communities, people of lived experiences, along with global organisations to co-build a combined global conversation on the creation of globally shared values for a new eco-social world that leaves no one behind. The vision of this people’s global summit emerges from the pandemic, the climate crisis, and the need to co-build a new eco-social world based on values that shape policies and practices to ensure sustainability and good quality life-cycles – not only for each human being but for each part of our eco-systems on which we all depend, leaving no one behind. The people’s global summit provides spaces for individuals as well as for group representatives to advance their ideas and provide a platform for engagement across different cultures, diverse lived experiences, professional groups, and perspectives. All contributions will shape the Global Values Declaration for a new eco-social world that will be delivered to the United Nations High-Level Political Forum in July 2022 and will create a catalyst for further global action.
The DSI-NRF South African Research Chair in Industrial Development (SARChI-ID) has positions available for postdoctoral research fellowships. The fellowships are attached to a prestigious international project titled ‘Accelerating Vaccine Production in Africa: A Centres of Excellence Initiative’ that seeks to foster interactions between select African universities and reputed university counterparts in the USA and Europe. There are no teaching obligations. In keeping with the focus of the project, postdocs will be expected to conduct research and engage in translational policy advice at the country and regional level in Africa. The fellowships are for an initial one year period, with possibilities of renewal for up to December 2023 attached to this project, and continuation thereafter. Fellows will be paid a monthly stipend and are provided with office space, laptops, and access to funding for research and travel. In addition to the standard postdoctoral stipends, fellows will receive additional remuneration for project activities.
The Seventh Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2022) will take place at the Ágora Bogotá Centro de Convenciones in Bogota, Colombia from October 31 – November 4, 2022, bringing together approximately 2,000 health systems researchers, policymakers and practitioners from around the world. The Symposium face the challenge of optimally sharing – and learning from – the experiences of the last two years, not only on the stress that health systems faced, and successes encountered during the pandemic, but also on interactions between politics, policy, and service provision and the role of vulnerable and already marginalized populations and the role of power in policy development; and of communities and individuals play. Registration for the conference is now open.
The East, Central and Southern African Health Community (ECSA-HC) is an inter-governmental organization that fosters and promotes regional cooperation in health. The aim of the Best Practices Forum (BPF) and the Directors Joint Consultative Committee (DJCC) meetings is to share best practices and research evidence, identify relevant health policy issues and making recommendations to the Health Ministers Conference, towards the improvement of health programming and outcomes in the region. The upcoming conference will provide a forum for health scientists, policy makers, development partners and other stakeholders in health to present their best practices and research evidence that inform policies and programming in the ECSA region. The theme for the 13th BPF is Stronger Health Systems Post Covid-19 for the Attainment of Universal Health Coverage in the ECSA Region.
The Health Economics Research Centre (HERC), University of Oxford has created a “virtual visitors” scheme to allow early career researchers from low and middle income (LMIC) countries to virtually attend via the internet seminars, events and short courses. In addition, the virtual visitor will be assigned mentors from HERC to discuss their research and explore future projects. The virtual visitor will generally be attached to HERC for a period of six months. During this time the visitor can attend relevant HERC short courses, including the Applied Methods of Cost- Effectiveness Analysis, at no cost. The scheme is entirely virtual and does not involve travelling to the UK, or any funding.
HSG is pleased to invite abstract submissions for the 7th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (HSR2022), to be held in Bogota, Colombia October 31 – November 4, 2022. Health systems face significant challenges all around the world. The experience of the COVID-19 pandemic reveals how valuable strong health systems are to society, lays bare multiple weaknesses in low-, middle- and high-income settings alike, and has also shown us that now, more than ever, trust and solidarity, equity and social justice are the central and most important values from which to build back stronger, more resilient health systems. With the theme 'Systems Performance in the Political Agenda: Sharing lessons for current and future global challenges', HSR2022 aims to face the challenge of optimally sharing – and learning from – the experiences of the last two years. See the website for details on abstract submission.
The Fellowship is offered to women scientists from science- and technology-lagging countries (STLCs) to undertake PhD research in the natural, engineering and information technology sciences at a host institute in another developing country in the Global South. The general purpose of the fellowship programme is to contribute to the emergence of a new generation of women leaders in science and technology, and to promote their effective participation in the scientific and technological development of their countries. The OWSD PhD Fellowship is offered only to women candidates. Candidates must confirm that they intend to return to their home country as soon as possible after completion of the fellowship. See the website for further and application details.
EV4GH 2022 is a blended learning training program that uses innovative training methods and activities to enable emerging researchers, other health system actors, and change agents born after 1 January 1982 to present their work and engage on various global health platforms. It consists of an e-coaching and distance learning phase, followed by a face-to-face training phase held prior to the 2022 Health System Global Symposium. The global network of emerging voices (EVs) fosters networking and learning across contexts and regions. After the training program, EVs become members of the EV4GH thematic working group (TWG) and can then join other HSG TWGs.
The 7th Global Symposium will share and learning from the experiences of the last two years. Strong health systems build on foundation of primary health care and empowered communities. The challenge ahead is to explore the role values such as trust, solidarity, equity, and social justice play moving forward. HSR2022 will explore this in the following sub-themes: The politics and policies of health systems; Intersectoral collaboration and integrative governance on the road for health in all policies; The changing dynamics of health provision models to promote equity and the central role of human resources for health; The role of comprehensive primary care in promoting sustainability and The contribution of new technologies. The deadline for abstract submission for organised sessions is 15th February, 2021, and for individual papers is 15th April, 2021.